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On Being a Bestselling Author

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

Can you believe it's been a year? I sit here sipping my morning Matcha now with my kitty Sunshine in appreciation of her "helper" contributions along this journey. To the unfolding of a dream— to be an author.

And now bestselling!!!

People sometimes ask about my journey, so I thought I'd share this blog post. A couple of years ago, two worlds collided when my dream to be an author was equally met with my lifetime fascination in "things unknown." My book outline for Amping Your Abilities: 77 Ways to Awaken, Explore, and Ignite Your Intuition came together in one late night within a matter of hours. By serendipitous coincidence, a week later, I got a solicitation in my email box from a new publishing company for the exact genre of book I'd outlined the week before. The Universe knocked on my door with a silver platter!

My book's release date was in March of 2021. Though it had been slated to roll out earlier, a historic event took place— literally, of pandemic proportions! Affording an opportunity for human recalibration, professional coaching, and publishing team collaboration, we finally "hit the stands" as a #1 New Release on Amazon in New Age Self-Help. My book has endured for months now— inclusive of in this last week, hitting within top ten and top twenty on multiple Amazon charts again. It was surreal to view my title, just days ago, side by side with some of my most cherished authors whose bestselling books have resided in my home— some authors of whom I wrote about in my book!

I've felt the invigorating sweat of making featured media appearances with large audiences, I've pushed through some of the fear of rejection by asking for endorsements—which was met with sweet generosity, and I've also learned the cold hard fact (as I once heard in-person from a successful author at a statewide conference) that authors generally would make more as a fast-food worker than from books. That is, I might add, unless you've made appearances on Oprah and spoken directly to Mother Theresa, Ram Dass, and the Dalai Lama (like the generous individual who wrote my book's foreword—link below). I was born with the "writing gene," so to speak. Like authors in general— a passion. I, a credentialed teacher, as well, can genuinely say that I'm in it to inspire others in their personal experiences. I hold a belief in humanity at large— and in each starfish along the way.

So stop hiding, me hopes (she says grammatically incorrectly for hyperbolic emphasis)! I've hidden much of my "shine" most of my life and I hope my sometimes difficult journey can inspire your path. Humanity is collectively exposing our brilliant underbellies, and you're invited to come join us. Despite the reality of life's chaos at large— may you, in your daily living, ignite the peace and radiance that can be found in your innate superpowers.

A sampling of subjects in Amping Your Abilities for your taste buds:

  • Intention and Allowing

  • Love, Gratitude, and Self-Care

  • Passion, Creativity, and Flow

  • Serendipitous Coincidences and Signs

  • Science and Consciousness

  • Electronic Phenomenon and Your Energetic Field

  • Dreams, Premonitions, and Simple Meditations

  • Past Lives and Near Death Experiences

  • Crossing the Veil and Visitations

  • Tips for the Empath

My book is not a prescriptive approach — you're invited to use the magnificence of your intuition to see what explorations most suit you. This is an invitation— an evergreen toolbox for awakening and exploration. If you haven't yet, come play!!! And if you have, you know the smorgasbord of (77) delights to revisit— in the delectable radiance of your very own intuition.

Live well, love life. Much love to you, yours, and even your pets,


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